newborn pampers
How early should I get newborn pampers? I'm due on Feb 2020. Is there an expiry date for pampers?

I only got it 1 month before edd. Just get 1 packet will do they out grown very fast. BTW check out lazada pampers premium they got promotion only 11 buck!
Best is to get during your 34-36week. For newborn try not to buy too many pack, maybe 2 packs will be enough as baby usually out grow very fast
No hurry getting newborn pampers. Hospital will provide a pack. My hb got it only when I had delivered. Baby changed to S size very quickly.
There are expiry dates! Best to let baby try different brands through their samples to see which has the best fit and absorbancy
Hospital will give any leftover packs, or u can request samples online. Then from there see which one is suitable then u buy.
I was advised to get them from the hospital, because the baby will grow out of just born size very quickly
There’s expire date but I don’t think it’s so soon. You may purchase them on dec or Jan
Best to purchase at around 32-36 weeks pregnancy period.. just get 2 packs of nb first..
Don't rush to bulk buy, can try out samples first to decide which brand is most suitable
1 pack of newborn size may be enough alrd as bb grow fast. I got S size instead