How do I start solid food for my baby??

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You can consider introducing solids to babies between 4-6 months. You can refer to this article for more information on what are some of the signs your baby may be ready for solids: For example, your baby should be able to sit up on his/her own and has lost the tongue thrust instinct. The article also provide a list of food suitable for babies that age which you may find useful. But as a general gauge, most mothers I know start introducing solids after their babies are six months. As a start, you can try feeding your baby with banana and avocado (which do not require to be cooking). Other methods of preparation for baby food would be by steaming or to puree the fruit or vegetable to soften them for the baby.

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I started to give my baby solid food when he reached 6 months. I have read that it is better to start after 6 months for breastfed baby as baby's digestive system is usually mature enough to take in solid food after 6 months. I introduced sweet potatoes purée for my boy first feed! I used Philips Avent blender and steamer to make his purée for him. Hand expressed some breastmilk into the bowl to make the purée. You can add water into the blender if you want to make the purée more watery. It's easier for baby to consume when it's more watery.

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After 6 month you can start to give solid food to your baby. But be careful, only give soft and smooth food, which baby can digest it. Also put very less amount of food in your baby mouth because some time baby gets complicating for breathing.

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First food should be very soft and easy to digest that's close to the milk or formula your baby is used to it. start by feeding your baby 1 to 2 teaspoons up to twice day
