How do you deal with a spouse with a really annoying attitude?

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Attitude is something cannot be changed in that person...u gotta need to be very patience to deal with such person...try to talk things out...definately with gd influence, person can listen n change.

I think all people have an annoying some habit or the other. The trick lies in how much you can ignore each others flaws. I know it is difficult but I think this is how it can work.

Tell him as kindly as possible and have a deep conversation about it maybe inturn he will tell you what is annoying him to so you can both grow together

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1. i ignore 2. i look into his eyes blankly and when he'sdone, 'are you done being annoying?' 3. smack his bum to shutup 😂

Did that start only recently? Does he know you're annoyed with it? If not, tell him coz they may not be aware about it :)

He tries to chat, but if he understands, I think it's best to walk away

Same here...I don't know how to deal with but be strong dear🙏

Tell them what bothers you and resolve the issue as a couple.

Super Mom

Tell him the problem about his attitude straight to his face.