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How do you deal with grandparents who thinks they are right to always want to “hog” on to your child most of the time? Makes me feel like a surrogate haiz

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Oh dear.. My MIL has been hinting me that she wants to look after the baby when I head back to workforce after delivery. I’d rather not.. She demanded that I fetch my baby home only during the weekends. 😬😬 I am an early childhood educator myself & I set a pretty high standard for child minding & care. So I gv her a straight up no for an answer. And with this Covid situation, I will likely limit the number of visitors to our place. Plus kissing is a no-no as well. As a parent, I decide what’s best for my child. 😉

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3y trước

Some ppl just don’t have common sense babe 💁🏽‍♀️