Pregnancy discharge

How do u deal with forever bad discharge during pregnancy? Gynae already prescribe antibiotic and capsule. Then a few days later, smelly discharge again. With the frequent trips to pee, i already tried my best to keep myself dry below. Everyday duno hw many times change panty liner.

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Wear only cotton underwear. Dry yourself well after urinating. If you are using panty liner, change them often as bacteria can grow on it. Use only PH balance soap to wash your genital area. Avoid over washing to prevent lost of PH balance. If using wipe, make sure it is fragrant less and PH is balance. Drink lots of water. Don’t hold your pee. Keep your genital area ventilated (don’t wear Jean, legging, ect) I hope the above help. Take care and God bless you and baby.

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Did you inform your doctor? If there is no change after medication , It is better inform your doctor .

Super Mom

Try the range of products by TS6 for lady health. Worked for me when medication failed.

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it's best to get a check with gynae.