flu season
How do you all deal with annoying colleagues who cough and don't cover their mouth, and tended to talk very close to your face? Currently pregnant and worried they will pass the virus to me

If you’re okay with being obvious about it, then wear a mask and also buy a disinfectant spray to spray around your workspace a few times a day. Also speak to your colleagues.. ask them if they’re feeling okay, offer them tissues to cover their mouths with and hand sanitizers to clean their hands before touching the things that you touch
Read moreYou can take a flu vaccine jab and wear a mask in office. Wash your hands thoroughly or use hand sanitiser if you touch your face/nose/mouth. Shower immediately when you reach home from work.
U can wear mask for protection or feedback to your hr about your colleagues and get hr talk to them personally and tactfully without u directly confronting them.
In such case u hv to wear a mask .. coz we repeatedly affect the viral infection n it’s not good to u n ur lil one
If can, try to avoid talking to them. Or you wear mask straightaway. Telling them you have slight flu
Wear a mask, I need to do so in public transport when the person next to me smells like smoke too
If it’s me, I will just stand away from them. And quickly cover my mouth when they cough.
You can wear a mask instead. So that they will realise you’re affected by their actions
I think better would be that you wear your mask and try to not talk very closely
Maybe u can tell ur colleague?? If not, how about wearing a mask