How to control your temper when your kid is not listening to you?

Naughty corner :) When she is too naughty, i'll tell her go stand behind the door. In the start is i bring her go, now i just need to say and she will go to the door behind and stand. (About 5 minutes, go ask them to say sorry and let them know they are in the wrong. If the kids is staying there very long, will cause opposite effect instead.) Before you can't take it anyhow, stop her their nonsense, so you can have some peace for a cup of drinks. If you have storeroom, you can lock (don't lock the door) them in the room and call it a "dark room". P.S. : Even when i'm in primary school, my parents use this method too, and we stay quietly inside, so i feel it'll work for a very long time.
Read moreAgree with the mommy above -- keep calm and maintain your patience. Your kid, is after all, a kid. If you really cannot control your temper, get your husband or someone else (your parents or in laws) to talk to your kid instead.
I try to reason with them as much as possible and explain the consequences of their action. It also helps when i think about how quick they grow up and how i would eventually miss the chaos they bring. ❤️😍
take deep breath to calm down