How do you know when to transition your kid to 1 nap?

My kids' transition period was between the ages of 1.5 and 2. There are lots of ways your child may let you know his napping schedule needs tweaking. Some toddlers may take longer to nod off or become cranky when you try to put them down during the day. Others might sleep well in the morning and then resist the afternoon nap. Or your child might wake up earlier from both naps. You might also notice that when your kid misses his afternoon rest one day, he makes it to bedtime without melting down. If you see consistent changes in your toddler's sleep pattern for about two weeks, it may be time to transition to one nap.
Read moreMy daughter transitioned to just a single nap soon after she turned 15 months. I found that she was resisting bedtime in the evenings, and was taking longer to fall asleep at night. This meant that she did not need the second nap. I dropped the mid morning nap. She would have her bath and play after breakfast and then would have her nap after lunch. (which I moved up by half an hour). This meant that she would still be fresh for outdoor play in the evenings and tired enough to sleep by 7pm.
Read moreI transitioned my kids to one nap after 2 years of age. The triggering point for me was that with 2 naps they had way too much energy close to bed time in the night. They refused to settle down for a nap until 10pm! This drove me a bit insane as I had a full and tiring day of work and doing household chores that I needed a break too. So I reduced their nap to just one and it did the trick. By 7.30pm they were tired and ready for bed. Win-win!
Read moreFor my kids I did the transition when they were almost 2 years old. You would kinda know when your child is able to be active for much longer hours and taking two naps just doesn't seem that possible for him anymore. However if your kid is going to attend full day childcare in a childcare centre at 18 month, they only have 1 nap usually between 1 to 3pm.
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Here's a rough guide, but yes, follow your baby's cues!