Breaking News To Yr In Law

How do u break the news to yr in law that u r expecting? Do u say it yrself or your hubby say it out?

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I'm 10 weeks and also wondering how to share the good news! My hubby wants to do it over whatsapp but i think we should do it face to face.

Depends on your relationship with your in laws. My hub told my in laws not me...🙂

Super Mom

Hubby settle his side of the family, I settle my side of the family. Haha..

Do it together with sweets or a ultrasound pic

We just show them the first ultrasound! ☺️

Thành viên VIP

I show them my pregnancy test kit 🤣

Super Mom

We just show the ultrasound picture

Thành viên VIP

Husband did it via u/s pic sharing

Super Mom

I let my husb do it. 😊

Thành viên VIP

Husband do the honour