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Hello Mamta, You know apart from coconut oil you can also apply vaseline on the rash. The most important is to let the baby be without the diaper for considerable part of the day. It will itself ease the rash.

I use diaper only in the night for my baby.but it's first time she has diaper rash problem

Appy vaseline petrolium jelly...its very effective and apply vaseline every time u use diaper to ur baby So that baby skin gets moisture and remain soft

Hi, You can apply coconut oil on the rash area. And leave the affected part open for some time. It will help in relieving the diaper rash and irritation as well.

Aloe gel Clean the nappy area (wash & pat to dry) apply gel and leave the area to dry before putting the clean diaper on..

Hi. You can read more here https://sg.theasianparent.com/5-tried-and-tested-nappy-rash-remedies

Aloe vera gelly and propolis creme always on the go for rashes

U can also use asli ghee on rash area..

Apply boroplus.very effective.

Apply kailasjeevan

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