Hi mummies, I have a 6mth old baby and started eating solid food. How much milk should my lo consume daily? Can share your feeding schedule..

Hi mummy, sorry I can't provide you the information regarding how much milk my LO is consuming nor the feeding schedule as my LO is fed on demand(Latching).I just want to share with you that at 6 months old, mealtime is more about her getting used to the act of eating and learning the tastes and textures of foods than it is about providing nutrition.There is not necessary to replace milk with a meal. Treat liquids, either formula or breast milk, as a complement to a meal, not as a meal itself. http://www.parents.com/baby/feeding/solid-foods/starting-solids-guide/
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hi mom, by this age, your baby will start eating new foods, so the focus will shift to those more than the milk. your milk, or even formula milk, should be more like an in between thing, when your baby wants it as a comfort drink or something like that.
Mine also just turned 6mth. having one solid food in the afternoon. total milk feed is 5 of abt 150ml each time. her feed is like 730am milk, 11am solid, 1230pm milk, 330pm milk, 630pm milk, 9pm milk. the timing varies depends on her naptime.
Thanks for sharing dear.. Now i get the rough idea..
I used to feed baby before his meal. Solids at this age is more of introducing of food rather then a meal itself. so you can continue with your current feeding schedule.
First feed at about 9am. Lunch at 11.30am followed by milk. Teabreak at 3pm with milk. 5pm milk feed and 8pm milk feed before bedtime.