Hi my LO is 6th month now and just started solids. Before that she is purely breast milk. I started with plain rice cereal yesterday. 2pm breast milk (80-90ml) – 4pm plain rice cereal 1/3 bowl – refuse to drink milk until 9pm. I'm not sure is it correct way to feed solids. Any feeding ref for 6-7months? If she drink too little milk?

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Maybe you just started baby so baby is still adjusting. Give baby some time, say ard 1-2 weeks to adjust. They will soon get used to it. Some parents start off with 1 meal for breakfast and 1 meal for lunch. I personally feel it's too much. Start off slow with 1 serving 1st for at least 1 monthand monitor then start increasing gradually. Their main source is still their milk now.

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