Hi my LO is 6th month now and just started solids. Before that she is purely breast milk. I started with plain rice cereal yesterday. 2pm breast milk (80-90ml) – 4pm plain rice cereal 1/3 bowl – refuse to drink milk until 9pm. I'm not sure is it correct way to feed solids. Any feeding ref for 6-7months? If she drink too little milk?

I agree with the rest that breast milk should still be the main form of nutrients for now. So you can try just substituting one of the feedings as in introduction to solids. Gradually change over to solids as your baby shows more interest in solids to help ensure that she is getting enough nutrients for growth. One of my friends did that for her baby. She started solids when her baby was around 6 months old as well. Replaced his evening feeding with solids so that he could still have the night feeding even if he did not eat much solid food. The process was slow as her son did not seemed interested in the food but with time, she managed to find some food he prefers and the type of texture he enjoys. She then gave him some small snacks in between and gradually increased the number of solid meals. Still, she will give him breast milk in the morning and at night and sometimes as a snack when he asks for it. Every baby is different, so you may need to react according to how your baby respond to solids. :)
Read moreAs one poster mentioned here, start slow. One meal per day is good enough. At 6 months, solids are introduced for the purpose of letting your baby experience the texture, taste and feel of solids in their mouth and some parents call it "fun" and shouldn't replace bm or formula milk. You can choose whatever time that suits both of you to introduce the solid. Perhaps a tablespoon will do and if baby refuse to finish it's okay. Continue the giving bm as you normally do as this will still be his main source of nutrition. You might find this useful : http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/solidfood4to6montholdbaby.htm#!
Read moreMaybe you just started baby so baby is still adjusting. Give baby some time, say ard 1-2 weeks to adjust. They will soon get used to it. Some parents start off with 1 meal for breakfast and 1 meal for lunch. I personally feel it's too much. Start off slow with 1 serving 1st for at least 1 monthand monitor then start increasing gradually. Their main source is still their milk now.
Read moreStart by offering just a few spoonfuls at a time. When your baby has gotten the hang of it and seems to want more, work up to about 3 to 4 tablespoons per feeding. Once your baby has been taking cereal reliably once a day for a week or two, try twice a day feedings. Once they’ve done that reliably for a week or two, then you can start pureed foods.
Read moreI would not worry too much about it. For me, i feed baby at 8am breakfast, lunch at 11.3am. Milk at 12.30pm, 3pm tea break 6pm milk/dinner and 8.30pm milk to bed. If he does not want to eat or drink i let him be. As long as the child is putting on weight, and healthy its fine. Let nature takes its own course.
Read moreFeel it's too little. My boy is just replacing his rice cereal with 1z of his milk which is kind of for breakfast. Max 4hrs usually only 3hrs, he will ask for milk as usual already. At this stage, think they would need at least 5x of milk.
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hi..you could try starch obtained from ,while cooking rice. it is very energetic and filling. also Oats. you can boil them in water and mix with soup...lentils. maybe rice is too much for her now.
try adding some milk on the cereal