Is it diarrhoea??

Help mamas! I can’t tell if this is diarrhoea, my baby is 11weeks old.. he is on BM and his poop has been watery like this since birth and right now he poops about 4-5 times daily.

Is it diarrhoea??
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Thành viên VIP

My fully breast fed baby also has poo that looks like that... I don't think it's diarrhoea.. I read online that we only need to worry when the poo is different than what it usually looks like.. so if your baby's poop looks like that from birth then I guess no need to be too worried

It is really normal mommy , dont worry at all.. both my babies had this too , but do take note that the skin is still soft and thin , best to rinse with water frequently and also apply drapolene(diaper rash cream) every diaper change 😏

Thành viên VIP

My girl’s poo is like that every single time. But she doesn’t seem to be in pain whatsoever. Plus, she’s gaining weight. So I guess it’s ok. PD also said just look out for the color; poo color in your photo seems normal.

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Hi... you might find this article informative

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It’s normal cause baby is on breastmilk. Will get lesser poo once on formula or solid.

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the colour of the poo looks okie. so long his weight gain is 👌, shld be fine.

Hello! This is normal for BM babies As Long as his stools is not pale yellow

Thành viên VIP

My LO’s poo was always like this before being into’d to solids.

Thành viên VIP

This should be fine ... As long as it not pale color ...

Thành viên VIP

Fully breastmilk is like that. Mustard color poo!! 😂