12 Replies
Try to have an open mind if things doesnt go into plan. The chances of csect for induce is higher compared to natural dilation. You can try engaging in sexual intercourse with your husband, do ALOT ALOT ALOT of squats. You can also do kegel exercise then push slowly like you want to s***, this will help your cervix be softer and to push baby down as well. As for me, i just drink coconut from the box, baby came out clean too. Hope this helps. And even if your birth plan does not go in order, do not be saddened about it. As long as mummy and baby healthy, that all matters! Hope you have a safe delivery!
You can drink from bottle but best is to drink directly from the fruit. Maybe you can try to talk more to baby (tell the baby to faster come out and meet you) and do more sqauts. Actually induced labour is not as bad as you think. Just don't be overly stressed by it. Hope you have a smooth delivery!
Thank you ❤
From the fruit. The box water is no good. Stay calm. Inducing is not bad. As long as baby is healhthy, us as mothers have to do what we need to do
Thank you ❤
Directly from husk is recommended, but I couldn’t get my hands on them so I drank those packaged ones 😂 baby came out pretty clean too!
I see. Ill try get the husk if possible. If cant then prolly get the package ones hehe. Thank you ❤
Try eating pineapples. I heard it can induce labour easily!
Best is to drink directly from the husk itself
Better to drink from the husk. Take care!
Hi, take it from fruit/husk itself
Best to drink from the fruit
Fruit directly and coco max!