I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and I'm having a heartburn that can last until the next day. Is it normal?

Ive had heartburn, sometimes persistent, but not until next day (Im 20+ weeks now). From my observation, diet plays a part. (obv pregnancy does cause it as well). I notice my trigger is overly spicy food or cili padi (Im a hardcore spicy lover), eating too much, drinking sweet or carbonated drinks, or even fast food. what helps when Im hit with heartburn is drinking plain room temp water, lying down, putting a pause on eating until it fades, medications. passing gas or passing motion helps too because I guess its correlated with indigestion and constipation. So try to pass gas or get your bladder going 😅😂 hope I helped
Read moreYes normal! I’m on daily omeprazole for reflux/heartburn/gastritis so the doctor changed it to famotidine (which didn’t work for me). In the evening, the reflux was the worst, I could not lay down to sleep and it hurts super bad! Needless to say my dr changed it back to omeprazole after he consulted with the pharmacist to confirm that it’s safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Been on it ever since but I do still get reflux though not as bad that I can’t sleep. You can ask your OG dr for options and see what works best for you!
Read moretotally normal .. currently 34weeks and still having heartburn every night .. i usually eat my dinner at 6 or 7pm and sleep around 11pm .. even after almost 4 hours i still will get heartburn .. sometimes till the next day ..
It’s normal , I get it till the next day too. Am 37 weeks still having it. Try to avoid spicy food if can. Spicy food makes it worst for me.
Am 19+ weeks & heartburn started since last week. Sometimes it's too bad & I take gaviscon.