4 Replies

My wife and I went through 2 miscarriage last year. The first miscarriage was naturally discharged after I sent my wife to KKH A&E due to intense pain, but the second miscarriage was a missed miscarriage at week 6 with no heartbeat detected. At the second miscarriage, it felt like we just opened a can of emotion, mostly sad, disappointed, lost and grief. But we accepted it as the time was not right and we encouraged each other. We took steps to have a thorough check for both of us: blood test, karyotyping, examination of the fetus material, which all checks out alright. We moved on by accepting both losses and remembering both unborned children in our memories. Till now, we still keep all the documents and ultrasound pictures for both of them. We also took comfort in the fact that natural gene checkpoint was functional which led to the miscarriage as we avoided bringing in a child that may have potential genetic disorder and bringing suffering for the kid. Also, no dark times persist forever and someday it will be all clear. Fast forward to now, my wife is expecting at Week 14 and baby boy is healthy with NIPT test cleared. Take some time-off if needed. Speak with close friends and family as they can be great consolation.

hi i had a missed miscarriage too. found out at week 11 that it stop growing at week 9. we waited for it to come out naturally instead of eating pill. it was painful and very sad and we took time to grief over it. at first if elt guilty, but gynae say its not what we did, sometimes when the pregnancy itself not healthy, it stop growing, n body just discard it. also for a healthy bb to grow it needs a healthy egg and sperm. not just the lady wholy responsible. both have to work tgt to have a healthy pregnancy. miscarriage is actually very common and affecting alot ppl. its really a sad thing to go through it but we also receive and experience alot of love through the episode. we accept it from God as God knows what's best for us. 1 year later we are expecting again and so far a healthy one.

Hugs. I was 26YO when I had a miscarriage, I never thought it would happen to me since I’m young and healthy. But it did. It is not easy… I don't think you will ever recover from this experience, you just got to live with it. I find comfort in reading and listening to other people’s stories about their miscarriages, knowing that I’m not alone in this painful journey. Some people are able to express their grief so well that I never could and reading them feels so relatable & I feel so comforted that finally someone understands how I felt.


i had a molar pregnancy before. i cried after seeing the gynae and after the abortion. its ok to feel whatever u are feeling now. u are not alone. but no matter what, tell yourself- At least i was pregnant. i can get pregnant. *hugs*

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