Haze is upon us, do you still bring LO out or stay at home all day? I'm a SAHM and would usually babywear and bring my boy out for walks when he's cranky. Any suggestion for activities that I can do with him? LO is 7 months old.

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Probably better to stay at home with the PSI reading is high. Taking walks are supposed to be good so that baby can get some fresh air. Given that the air is not so fresh now, best to limit being exposed to the haze I guess. Here are some simple suggestions to help entertain your baby: https://pathways.org/growth-development/7-9-months/games/ Hope this helps!

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Thanks for sharing! Will be sure to try these activities :)

Super Mom

Stay home.. he’ll be learning to scoot/crawl, so do tummy time and put toys just out of his reach so he can try to get them. He should be good with sitting too, so you can read with him, or let him play with toys while seated.

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Thành viên VIP

Hi... indoor playground is an option. Read this article and explore some of the playground recommended https://sg.theasianparent.com/indoor-playgrounds-in-singapore

if it's not too hazy (will check psi), I'll still go for a short walk outside. else indoor playground! or go to the airport or gardens by the bay and let them run!

We'll go to the park where it's not crowded and let her run, Cycle or scoot around. Children need their outdoor time. And the fresh air is nice!

depending on the level at that point in time. otherwise walks just downstairs is okay. other then that indoors is the best.

i bring my LO out once a week using baby carrier. activities like swimming, window shopping, gathering with friends

Thành viên VIP

If too hazy , i will probably stay indoor at home or just indoor playground ..More on indoor activity than outdoor

I will stay home with my kid more during the haze. i don't want to risk them falling sick due to bad weather.