light spotting

Is having light spotting during 2nd trimester ok? There's a slight pinkish blood alike together with my usual discharge, probably once a day. I'm at my 20th week now. My gyane checked on me 2 days ago said that I might have fungus and bacteria infection and gave me medications. My cramps/pain subside but spotting is still visable.

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May I know what happened in the end as I'm having bacteria vaginosis during second trimester and I had spottings

5y trước

I had the same issue (pink/brown spotting with the usual discharge) at week 12 and did a swab and turns out I had candida which is a fungus infection in my cervix. Doc prescribe me probiotics for a week. Now I’m having a bit of spotting too at Week 17. Gonna observe for a couple of days to see how it goes and take yoghurt in the meantime. It’s making me anxious.

Super Mom

Better to consult your gynae

Thành viên VIP

Do inform gynae and consult.

5y trước

Already did. Doc is not really concern about it at the moment. But I don't feel good