Having Diarrhea at week 7 pregnancy, now having cramps and back pain should i be worried?

Having diarhea at week 7 pregnancy

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Have you done your first ultrascan? Having cramp is normal as your uterus is expanding for your growing baby. You will still get cramp at a later stage. Just make sure the cramp is not intense and there is no massive bleeding. Diarrhoea could be hormones change but best to get it check or treated with a doctor or gynae. Remember to drink up more water and stay hydrated. It is very important. Back pain is also normal because there is a change in posture and center of gravity in your body. It will worsen as your baby grows bigger due to the weight.

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7mo trước

yes.. will be doing my second scan in few days.. my diarrhoea was quite bad.. i worry about my cramp n back pain because i had miscarriage before and back pain was one of the sign...