
Hi have any of u experienced that when u talk to ur friends or colleagues and tell them that u sent ur LO to IFC and they give u that look and say "aiyo so poor thing" and always asking why no one take care of the baby... so tired of ppl judging!

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Ignore these people. They obviously don't know how mothers feel when they have to leave their child in the centres, while they are working hard, in order to provide a better future for their child. I've taught speech and drama at centres like this, and at the end of the day, they are very attached to their mum, as there will be a kid or two saying they miss their mums when my class is going to end. Some will even break down or be on the verge of crying.

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my friend also said like that "so pity",but for me it's more pity if I left her alone with the maid, I'd prefer left her at ifc with a few teacher watching a few kids at the same time, compare to one on one, the maid might have to go to toilet or cooks for herself, so it's a big no to leave daughter alone with maid

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6y ago

Yup and maids never worked out for me... even then I din dare leave my kids under her care

Hi, Taking in consideration the busy lives that we have in Singapore, sending the child to IFC is normal and there is no reason for people to be judgemental about it. So please ignore and be happy

6y ago

100% true and I am glad that they r going to IFC cos they learn things fast.

VIP Member

I think in today's society it's common , most old folks dont want to look after grandkids. Just ignore them, or just explain nicely to them, it's not like it's something u heard of(:

6y ago

Its so true.. just tht sometimes it gets to me. But guess I got to deal with it :)

VIP Member

Everywhere also will have people judging you one ba. Just learn to tune out. At least that's what i did. They dont live my life anyway

6y ago

True 1 am 100% behind u

VIP Member

Hi... most of us send our child to infant care or day care. It’s a norm in SG. I think you should just shut off these comments

6y ago

Yup trying :)

Agree. Have encountered similar experience as well. Just do what you think it's best for your child.

Only after I became a parent I realized there are so many know-it-alls...

6y ago

Yup so many advice that I have take in and out 1 ear.

VIP Member

Well just ignore them. when they have kids they will know.

6y ago

Best part is they have but always got grandparents to help and helper at home... well not everyone so lucky right

Just ignore them. Do what's best for you and your family.

6y ago

Yup only we know whats best