11 Replies

I understand that you are concerned about consuming wine and coffee during pregnancy and how it may affect your baby's development. It's important to address these concerns as they can impact both you and your unborn child's well-being. Regarding wine, it is generally advised to avoid alcohol during pregnancy as it can pose risks to the baby's growth and development. Alcohol can easily pass through the placenta and affect the baby's growth and brain development. There is no known safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, so it's best to abstain from it completely. As for coffee, moderate caffeine intake is considered safe during pregnancy. However, excessive caffeine consumption has been linked to potential risks such as low birth weight and miscarriage. The recommended daily limit for pregnant women is about 200mg of caffeine, which is roughly equivalent to one 12-ounce cup of coffee. While consuming an occasional glass of wine or an iced Americano may seem harmless, it's important to prioritize your baby's health and opt for alternative relaxation and energy-boosting methods that are pregnancy-safe. You can try relaxation techniques like meditation, warm baths, or indulging in decaffeinated beverages for comfort. It's crucial to have open conversations with your healthcare provider about your concerns and any habits you may have developed during pregnancy. They can provide personalized guidance and support to help you navigate this important time. In conclusion, it's best to err on the side of caution and prioritize your baby's health by avoiding alcohol and monitoring your caffeine intake during pregnancy. Your well-being and that of your baby should always be your top priority. https://invl.io/cll6she

You can consume caffeine but max limit is 200mg per day. If possible, try not to intake caffeine. A big no to alcohol even if it’s only a small percentage. It may help you to relax and sleep better now, but if the risk has impacted on your baby, you will be guilty and regret for life. You would have even a harder time relaxing and sleeping in the future too if baby has development issue. Not easy to be taken care of. If you truly love and want the best for your baby, please stop consuming. You can find other pregnancy friendly activities to relax and sleep better.


Cup of coffee or tea per day is fine, no no to wine or any alcohol. For your baby health, drink warm milk, chocolate, cereal. Sometimes dessert too helps to destress. I hope it helps for you. Your perseverance and determination will make you ease your mind whether baby is okay or not okay. Hang on there mummy. I believe a lot of mummies including myself crave a lot of food and drinks. But for our little precious ones in our tummy we can do it. Big hug for you! 💪

It's generally recommended to avoid alcohol and limit caffeine intake during pregnancy. It's always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your specific situation. Your health and well-being are important, so it's great that you're being mindful of what you consume during this time.

Wine is a definite no-no. You can Google for side effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Coffee still can, but within reasonable limits. 1 cup a day max. If you're craving drinks, suggest to go for hot milo or fruit juices.

I used to crave for milk tea everyday during preg too but keep it to a cup daily! It’s not easy with morning sickness alrdy so having my fave tea gets me going!

One sip of your pleasure, and risk your child’s health for his/her lifetime. Think twice. This isn’t that hard.

Chamomile tea or warm milk before u sleep can help u relax. Try avoid caffeine or buy decaffeinated coffee


not too much shd b fine tho better to err on side of caution


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