Have u encountered cracked lip on ur lo? Mine crack few times with little blood strain on lip. Any remedy on this?

Maybe dry lips. Have to constant make ur lo drink water to be hydrated. Otherwise, buy lips balm to apply on the lips to keep moist and to prevent blood stain. It is a headache for some of the LO if they refuse drinking a lot of water. So most of the times, I play games with my LO to see who can finish half the cup of water in one go. It encourages them to drink more.
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Ohh... Mummy, breastmilk works real well. Otherwise, i usually give my boy lots of water. Keeping them.l hydrated helps with prevention of cracked or chapped lips. Hope this little info might be help.
It’s due to dehydration, make ur drink lot of water , n apply some lip balm until it heals , better to use moisturizer daily ..
I apply pawpaw every night for my teething LO who also had cracked bleeding lips due to overwhelming saliva.And it helps :)

Do let your lo drink lots of water but if this does not help please bring your lo to the doctor
You can buy SEBAMED baby lip balm to be used on your LO.
Apply lip balm or Vaseline on you LO lips