Seek second opinion

Have been visiting my OB due to its affordability (only $750 package price) and accessibility. I think he is good for normal pregnancy with no complications, and he is the kind of doctor that is very easy going in terms of management (like telling me its ok to eat omakase and drink occasional wine though I didnt. Allowing me to skip ogtt because my post meal glucose is within range). However, during my 20th week scan, baby was shown to have moderate heart valve regurgitation and it worried me. He maintained the casual attitude and told me its normal and will usually go away on its own. He only ordered a non urgent second scan when I felt baby reduced movement at 28 weeks. He said that even if baby is in distress, he will not be able to do anything about it and baby is too young to be delivered anyway. This time round the scan is still showing the valve regurgitation so I asked the sonographer to contact him. Despite my anxiety, he said there wasn't a need to bring forward the appointment. I'm feeling very anxious and not reassured AT ALL. Losing sleep due to anxiety while waiting for my next appointment in 2 weeks. Oh and he also brushed off my palpitation and advised me to seek GP because he "doesn't see mother's condition" and "only focuses on fetus wellbeing". Should I continue putting faith in him or should I seek a second opinion? If so, are there any suggestions for a second opinion? Or am I just being too sensitive and anal with his management? I'm currently on my #week29 already...#firstbaby #pleasehelp #1stimemom #pregnancy #advicepls

10 Replies

Hi! If you feel uneasy, you should get a second opinion.. and it’s better to be safe than sorry. I had a complicated first pregnancy and eventually had to terminate it a week before I hit 6months. Back then I was seeing a private gynea, visited a few more private gynea for 2nd/3rd/4th opinion. They sent me for further scans and even asked me to do amniocentesis. After everything, despite knowing the negative outcome, they took it easy and said it’s not a big problem. Paid so much to get my hopes high. All I needed was an honest diagnosis, opinion on the matter and the consequences. You May do a quick search online to get a list of experienced gynea in high risk pregnancy and visit the one you feel comfortable with base on reviews/their area of interest. For my self, I met prof biswas (NUH) and is currently seeing him for my 2nd pregnancy. He is very experienced, honest and decisive. Hope this helps and wish you all the best! ☺️

hello dear, please seek 2nd opinion, I was diagnosed with dermoid cysts during my 1st trim and was told to do a keyhole surgery asap during my 16-17 weeks (and was told that that this is life threatening for me and baby and there is a chance of miscarriage during the procedure). I dun feel good about this first gynae and thankfully we change to another gynae. This current gynae (which my sonographer also said the same thing) told me that there is no such thing as life threatening cyst, I can remove the cysts after I delivered my baby. Now I am 38+5 week happy mama to be!

I think if you do feel uneasy and needed reassurance, go seek a second opinion… its ok to be sensitive bcos that’s your child and of cos you worry about the well-being. Seek a second opinion and then decide later. Regarding who to seek, maybe needa google abit on doctors who may be versed in such conditions …

Pls seek 2nd opinion. Third if need be. Since it’s concerning baby’s heart that’s giving you anxiety, I’d suggest Dr William yip from Gleneagles (ICAC) Pls try to make an appointment with him ASAP and get a scan done for the baby’s heart. My prayers are with you. All will be well :)

Try to find a gynae for second opinion and you will be lucky if you can find someone with a specialization in heart problems. Some gynaes do have a sub specialization in something apart from general OBGYN practice.

Yes please seek a second opinion. I had similar experience with my first Gynae as well and everything went better after I switched Gynae. Anxiety is the last thing you need for the last lap of your pregnancy.

Hello. Sorry you are going through this. My opinion is that you should seek a 2nd opinion to have a peace of mind. There’s no harm in doing so anyway.

Seek 2nd opinion to ease your worries. Your mental state will affect yourself & baby. Hope everything will be fine, take care!

Listen to ur instinct. No harm doing for a 2nd opinion.

Seek a second opinion with another OB.

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