Have been visiting my OB due to its affordability (only $750 package price) and accessibility. I think he is good for normal pregnancy with no complications, and he is the kind of doctor that is very easy going in terms of management (like telling me its ok to eat omakase and drink occasional wine though I didnt. Allowing me to skip ogtt because my post meal glucose is within range). However, during my 20th week scan, baby was shown to have moderate heart valve regurgitation and it worried me. He maintained the casual attitude and told me its normal and will usually go away on its own. He only ordered a non urgent second scan when I felt baby reduced movement at 28 weeks. He said that even if baby is in distress, he will not be able to do anything about it and baby is too young to be delivered anyway. This time round the scan is still showing the valve regurgitation so I asked the sonographer to contact him. Despite my anxiety, he said there wasn't a need to bring forward the appointment. I'm feeling very anxious and not reassured AT ALL. Losing sleep due to anxiety while waiting for my next appointment in 2 weeks. Oh and he also brushed off my palpitation and advised me to seek GP because he "doesn't see mother's condition" and "only focuses on fetus wellbeing". Should I continue putting faith in him or should I seek a second opinion? If so, are there any suggestions for a second opinion? Or am I just being too sensitive and anal with his management? I'm currently on my #week29 already...#firstbaby #pleasehelp #1stimemom #pregnancy #advicepls
Đọc thêmDoes anyone here have nasal congestion especially during sleep? I'm currently at my second trimester week 16. The nasal congestion started about 5 days ago and I visited a GP 2 days ago. Was prescribed nasal decongestion (oxymetazolin) for 5 days which works well but I realised the congestion has worsen after the effect of the medicine has worn off. The nasal congestion have been causing me sleep disruption (I wake up because I can't breath) resulting in daytime lethargy. I use a humidifier at night because I read online that it helps, but so far it didn't. I am also scared to use the decongestion even though it helps because the GP is not gynae trained and when I googled the decongestion that was prescribed, most articles says there's insufficient studies in pregnancy. Anyone else out there facing the same issue? I'm quite desperate now with 5 days of sleep disruption. Should I just continue the decongestion? #1stimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp Update: i stopped using the nasal decongestion and tolerated breathing with my mouth for a few days. Subsequently got better. Still using nasonex as clearance is given by my obstetrician 👍
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