low milk supply..

it has been 5 days aftr giving birth to my LO.. im pumping/latching every two hours.. each session ½ hour at least.. supply each time about 30ml in total for both sides.. feels so little..:( anyone experiencing th same? wt should i do??

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Hi! It’s normal to have that amount during the first few days. Your body takes a while to create more supply. Just do your best. Pump at least 6-8 times a day. You can pump even after latching to make sure your boobs are empty. Then u can try to massage your boobs before pumping or latching to stimulate the flow. You can also take warm towel and put on your boobs for a while. Other than that, make sure you’re pumping efficiently. Check if your flange fits your nipple well! Try drinking oat milk or eating oat cookies, basically anything with oats to help increase your supply. Be patient and don’t stress as stress can bring down your supply. Your body needs time to adjust to the new demand. But keep going at it! 💪🏼

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