Has anyone ever used a baby shusher or white noise? Any other sleep toys that you've found effective? - sleep deprived mum asking

White noise is scientifically proven to work, so I am all for it. Although it sounds counter-intuitive, when a noise wakes you up in the night, it's not the noise itself that wakes you up, per se, but the sudden change or inconsistencies in noise that jar you. White noise creates a masking effect, blocking out those sudden changes that frustrate light sleepers, or people trying to fall asleep. For recommendation - sorry I don't have any, but you can download an mp3 and have it play on an iPod in airplane mode.
Read moreHi! I use the free app called sound sleeper for white noise. It has various types of white noise to choose from and works in the background so I can continue using my phone. Even better if you have a spare phone so you can just leave it. I know how bad it is to be sleep deprived.. Hope it works well for you Sound Sleeper: White Noise by Michael Feigenson https://itunes.apple.com/sg/app/sound-sleeper-white-noise/id507967709?mt=8
Read moreA study on PubMed found that 80% of babies exposed to white noise fell asleep in a given time period (4.5 minutes) while only 25% of babies not exposed to it fell asleep in the same period. The study says this is likely due to white noise's similarity to intrauterine sound—i.e., what a fetus hears in the womb.
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We use the gro hush. Bought it for around $70. it is stocked at Motherswork; Mothercare; Kiddy palace; Smart Little Ones; www.pupsikstudio.com; www.agapebabies.com; www.kulily.com.

@r gosh wow cool, did not know that. I wondered if that's why TVs were designed with white noise... Make you fall asleep when your connection dies...
I use a honeywell air purifier. It creates white noise and purifies the air - a godsent during the hazy period in Singapore. :)
I use an air purifier to produce white noise. Cleans the air while lulling my baby to sleep. Two birds.
This is the one we use: http://www.pupsikstudio.com/cloud-b-sleep-sheep-on-the-go.html