Hilangkan stretch mark

Haii , sye nk tanya , cream ape yg sesuai tuk stretch mark ye ? Tpi bukan dkt perot . Dkt perot sye takde . Dkt breast je .. rase mcm insecure .. tiba2 bila tgk cermin , rase mcm , nnt suami syg lgi tak lps nie . Mcm2 bnd lah yg ade dlm fikiran ...#bantusharing #firstmom

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No need feel insecure. Stretch mark appear due to pregnancy hormon. If ur husband ask, ckp je it's your fault also. Klu suami syg kita, takde dia pndg stretch mark tu x cantik. Lg dia appreciate sbb kita willing to carry his child. Dkt farmasi ada jual krim stretch mark.

2y trước

Tulaa , husb ckp mmg dia tak kisah . Tpi kkdng still rse insecure . Thankyouu sis🌸

bila tahu je pregnant, saya terus beli olive oil kt watson or guardian.... jenama safi... jenama mana2 pon boleh.... saya just sapu d perut.... memamg xde langsung strechmark.... ada d belakang peha je.. sbb saya xprasan... skrg tgh pregnant ank second. bru 9weeks.... nk cari jgk nanti olive oil

2y trước

Sye ade juga sapu lotion dri awal kehamilan . Tpi mybe tak cukup sye rse . Area perot tmpt lain mmg takde . Breast shje

Thành viên VIP

Sy segala body oil kt rumah sy sapu. Strecth mark krim, stretch mark oil, baby oil, vco. Gigih😂dah masuk 3rd trim ni, harap2 takde stretch marks

2y trước

Palmer lotion sllu cpt sgt abis stok🤣

Boleh cube pakai Bust Cream brand Palmer’s cocoa butter, boleh beli thru shopee or watsons ada jual.

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3y trước

Owhh okeyy baikk . Terimaa kasihh siss😊🥰

Palmers cocoa butter. Beli dari farmasi.

3y trước

Okey nnt sye cari . Terima kasihh

Boleh try garden of eden

2y trước

Baikk thankyouu siss

Bio oil

3y trước

Terima kasihhhh . Nnt sye cari dkt farmasi atau shoppeee