Hospitalization leave

Do gynae still gives HL before 1/2 weeks before your EDD?

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Depend on gynae but you can try to asking ur gynae which i doubt he/she will reject. I requested outpatient HL when i was feeling so sick during first trimester. Whenever i feel sick, i will ask for HL frm my gynae and without hesitation he will give to me

3y trước


Mine did as my bb already engaged and super low. So we worried he will come out much earlier like 3 weeks earlier when gynae not in Sg. Then in the end even with hl bed rest, bb still come out 2 weeks earlier

Mine did. My gynae was quite against of me returning to work, as I was under complete bedrest during the first trimester due to threatened miscarriage.

Mine didn't; I asked when my friend told me about it. My gynae doesn't give HL before delivery, unless there are complications.

Super Mom

It’s not a given. Depends on your gynae and whether you’re very symptomatic

Thành viên VIP

Yes, I requested for it and just nice baby’s out to right after HL ended

Thành viên VIP

Depends on ur condition, they will give if necessary

Thành viên VIP

It depends on the gynae and your condition..

Thành viên VIP

Normally can. You can request

Depends on your situation.