Wk39. Not dilated at all.

Gynae said, by this time, should be dilated bit by bit but mine totally not dilated. Anyone experience the same?

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Yes I experienced it for my first child, u have another week to go, during this time can do some gentle exercise like walking but don't get over anxious, need to relax your mind as stress will also make it hard to dilate. If really still no result you may discuss about induce labour with your gynae. Jia you

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If there is still no dilation or contraction, gynae will induce labour if due date is over or baby is too big.

6y trước

As she is going overseas after the week and won’t be back so soon therefore we go for induce labour.

Wall more, more intercourse and squats! Works for me and I was alrdy 3cm dilated at exactly 39 weeks.

Even am not dilated . My due date is also passed.

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Still have a week time. Walk abit more

Same. In the end still gotta c sec out

Still have one week. Try do some yoga

Mine didn’t dilate even I was 40w...

6y trước

Don’t worry, your LO will decide and automatically comes out when he/she is ready 😊 and your Gynae will definitely assist, monitor and give you the best advise on this Have a smooth delivery!