I'm 30 years old, do I need to take Nipt test?

Hi guys, this is my 1st pregnancy! 6 weeks right now.. im thinking about the nipt test and I'm confused if I should take it anot.. any suggestion guys to help me with my decision? #pleasehelp #firstbaby #advicepls

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Really depends on what your decision will be if u knew tt baby has abnormalities. For me, I knew I wasn't at all ready mentally to care for a baby with a major abnormality, so does my husband so we took the NIPT test. Also, I can't wait to know the gender. Fortunately baby came out normal and healthy. I was 31 when I gave birth. I also have a friend who still went for NIPT despite being ready to accept a baby with a condition. They just wanted to be more prepared in case baby has some abnormalities. Good to seek advice prior to birth.

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I also went for it . If financially is not a burden I feel is better to go for it. As is to get yourself mentally prepare for unexpected situation. Even if we decide that no matter what the result turn out to be we will keep the baby, in any case of birth defects .. it might lead to stillbirth or miscarriage at certain weeks.. so is good to know at least the baby is clear from all the possibility of chromosome abnormality.. that’s what I read up and found out.. the test helps to eliminate those concern

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Personally took NIPT previously but mine was under private. I would think it boils down to whether if there are defects in the child, r u able to accept it. If you are able to, then i think you can skip the test. But for us, we wanted to know because its our first pregnancy. Hubby went for a more comprehensive one for a peace of mind and he paid for it. But we were aligned on the same page to take the more comprehensive one too.

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3y trước

1750 before gst for the comprehensive one. Private clinic.

I’m 10weeks now. Hubby wants us to have faith in God. So I’m skipping the Nipt test. It all depends on whether or not you are going to terminate your pregnancy if something is wrong. If either way, your are keeping your baby, don’t bother. Enjoy your pregnancy..!

If you can afford then yes. It's not compulsory so it's really up to you. I am above 35 yrs old when I was pregnant last yr but I did not take any NIPT as not to stress myself since I have anxiety disorder and will keep my baby no matter what. He's a healthy 8 mths old today

i didnt opt for that as im keen on keeping my baby no matter what the results are! the good side is u will know the gender earlier. still up to individual though as some take it for ease of mind.

I’m 27 years old now. Currently 31 weeks, at week 12 I took my NIPT test. Is good to spend some money to feel secure for you and your baby. Even though is quite pricey, but I think is worth it.

for kkh, if u go to for their counselling they will get u to do oscar first then nipt. but if u are worried then go ahead with nipt. i went with oscar instead.

If u can afford it, it’s a good to have. If money is a concern n ur risks r not that high, it’s an expenditure that u can save..

Would recommend it if finances allow. It’s more comprehensive and you’ll get to know the gender as early as week 10.