MIL can't keep it to herself

Just got pregnant again after a miscarriage earlier this year. And I am super paranoid about everything. Already told my MIL not to let anyone know in case something happens again, and also because I am a very private person. And she ACTUALLY shared the same sentiments. But few days later the news has already spread through the entire extended family. And I have not even passed the first trimester yet. Do I have the right to be pissed? I feel as though I'm about to explode already. #rants

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Same thing happened to me last yr. Mine wasn't a happy pregnancy cos my in-laws weren't happy for me (not my 1st pregnancy) and my sil whispered unpleasant things to me when she got to know of the news. Miscarried about a mth later and I was so bloody pissed at them all, I feel like I wanna F the sil when she said sorry when I posted about my grief. 1 yr later, I got pregnant again and I told the husband not to tell anyone yet as I'm afraid it will happen again. I havent visited my in laws since the cb have been lifted cos I dont feel like to and they kept asking about me when my husband visited them so he told them the news. It was nearing to my 2nd trimester but I feel good that I did not have to see their expressions cos I will be reminded of what happened last yr. My mil is also very nosy so I'm guessing the news now have spread to their relatives as well I've decided to distance myself from them. I hid my instagram stories from my in-laws although I didn't post anything about my pregnancy cos I prefer it to be private. I only think of my mental health state which is more important than them.

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