Am I pregnant?

Got a fainted line in my test kit. Am I pregnant?

Am I pregnant?
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A very faint line on a pregnancy test usually means that implantation has occurred and you're in the early stages of pregnancy. But you need to test again a few days or weeks later.

My first test kit also have a very fainted line. Waited for about a week and try again, and the line is clearer. Keep monitoring and start taking care of yourself! :)

Looks like mine! I tried with clear blue digital kit to confirm again, it will show you the number of weeks you are pregnant :)

Try to take another pregnancy test kit like clearblue to try again just to double check/confirm

its very fainted. try again in another 1 or 2 weeks after u missed ur mens

do take again 3 days ltr. alternatively, best to head to clinic for test.

Thành viên VIP

congratulations!! it's positive, I had faint line too previously:)

happened to me before and i was pregnant. congratulations!

no matter how faint its still positive...congrats❤

Thành viên VIP

most probably, congrats!