27 Replies
I’m 11 weeks still doing daily house chores but hubby ask me to try to reduce don’t have to be so clean 🙄 but did engage a weekly helper to do those intense chores.
I did all that when I was pregnant. Just had to be extra careful. I know some women cannot do these so if you feel pain when doing those, better stop doing. 😊
Ya that's normal.. Just do within your means.. Sometimes i get irritated because my body is falling me even just a simple task washing toilet. But is ok. It will pass.
Hi. I still do all that. But having said that, yiu have to listen to your body and be careful. Some exercises are good for you and baby too. Please take care
i did. all of the above except cooking but i bake. back super pain. feet ache like nobody business. in my 3rd trimester now. but i don’t force myself.
Yes, i’m still doing all the weekly house chores plus cooking daily except washing the toilet which my husband been helping out 😊
I still mop floor and clean surfaces. Now in third tri. Wearing gloves all the time, once a week. Reduce cooking for less chores
I still wash toilet and laundry.. but hubby dont allow me to mop floor scare later floor too slippery. He will help me to mop
Not doing much since I got discovered I got pregnant as I am really really tired. Hubby is the one doing everything.
I still do all that! But just space it out a bit more, take my time to do the chores and take breaks in between.