9 Replies

Yes I try to but must be somewhere quiet. Nowadays I fetch my boy from school and everyday I excitedly asked him how is school and I forgot the school is very noisy and I can't totally hear what he says haha...

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Yes, I do. Even though, I have three kids I try to give full ears to whoever comes to me to talk. Yes, I wouldn't deny that there are times when I lose my patience but I gather myself back and be a good listener.

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i try to even though it's hard when i have a babbling baby with me. So whenever my toddler wants to tell me something, i will say hold on, let mummy make didi quiet down then i can listen to you better

I try to, as much as I can. I tend to become very busy sometimes but I really try my best to acknowledge my child every time he calls my name to show me something or tell me something.

I try too. But many times I must say I fail. I'm very impatient. Many times I just ignore him or brush him off. It is something I need to work on. That's my flaw.

I try to, even though mostly I'm thinking of work, messages or the next chore on the list. Too much of social media has affected my attention span I feel :p

Yes I set aside whatever I'm currently doing just to pay attention to her. I always ensure an eye to eye contact.

Yes. When my baby starts grabbing my pants, I know she needs something so Ill carry her up.

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