Kid diagnosed with hfmd
My girl just turned 1 yrs old.. Brought her to indoor playground once.. Few days later she started having fever.. And doc diagnosed her with hfmd.. I'm lost n don't know what to do.. What can I give her to make her feel better..? #pleasehelp #advicepls #firsttimemom

Hi. My 2yr old daughter was recently warded for 2 days at kkh. They didn't do much there, mainly to give her plenty of fluids or flavored electrolytes satchel ice blocks. As my daughter had about 8-10 ulcers in her mouth and wasn't drinking much. They gave dentinox teething gel to help soothe the pain but she was still not drinking much fluid, needless to say she wasn't eating any food. We brought some ice cream and 100 plus isotonic drink to help her too (with approval of doctor). The nurses were also checking on her status and body temperature, giving paracetamol and cetirizine when necessary. They only give qv moisturizing cream for the sores on her body. After the first day there, doctor advised to give iv drip because if the drip goes in only after she is listless and lethargic, the effect will not be so good and she will take longer to recover. We hold off the drip as she seems to be responding to the ice cream & isotonic drinks. we have to maintain about 1 to 1.5l of fluid intake for her body weight of about 10kg. fluid can be milk, soup or electrolytes satchel. if she can eat, porridge or puree of carrot, apple, potato or different food with a soft texture is advisable. will have to monitor her rate of diaper change to see if she pass urine and poo. The ward is boring her and we feel that we can take care of her better at home. Once home, she did respond better to our request to drink more fluids and is throwing less tantrums as she has her toys and story books around. Attached is picture of what kkh gave us for medication. The above applies to our situation and you should seek a pediatrician for proper médical advice pertaining to your child.
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