13 Replies

VIP Member

You can make puree such as steamed broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, apples etc. Or mashed bananas and other fruits which she is not allergic to. Try 1 new food at a time and for 3 days. Monitor for rashes and other allergic symptoms. Keep a food log.


Pasta, Potatoes Fruits cereal I have shared quite a number of receipe i cook for my baby. You might want to check it out to get some ideal? Ig @MummyJLife

Super Mum

Baby noodles Baby pasta Fish Minced meat Mashed potato Yoghurt Porridge Soft bread Baby biscuits A little bit of soft rice if baby can chew well

VIP Member

Have you tried Rafferty Food Pouches? https://www.raffertysgarden.sg/

VIP Member

Bread (soft parts), sponge cake, meesua, handmade noodle if soft

Fruits Various stuff in porridge Pancakes


Most solids then! Can puree or mash them

U can try avocado and banana

Super Mum

Vegetables are good

VIP Member

Fruits and vege!

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