Nausea only at night

Hi all, do any of you get nausea only in the evening time - night? I have such a hard time during evening - night time constantly feeling super nauseous especially after eating, even if it’s non oily or spicy food. Any suggestions how to improve this symptom?

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I am in my 28th week now. The vomitting's back. When I was in my 1st trimester, nausea cld be the whole day but not able to vomit. Only puked once or twice in the 1st 2 trimesters. Also couldnt really tahan food from evening esp stir fry stuff. Tried to eat more of the dried stuff. Milk ok for me too. Everyone's body is different. Was hoping for an easier 3rd trimester but I think this is the worst trimester. Breathlessness, dizziness... hyperventilation can strike anytime. Once recently, my lower arms went numb when my breathlessness got very bad.

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