Gcb b strep plus baby pooed in stomach with in womb still can do normal delivery for 5.5hrs ?
Gcb b strep plus baby pooed in the womb still can do normal delivery for 5.5hrs ? Is it normal ? Why didn't our doctor request for e-c ? Any thoughts and advise Thanks .

Sounds like what I gone through. I was also Group B Strep positive and had to administer antibiotics before baby can come out otherwise it will pass on to baby and can be fatal. My contractions started at 7am and went to hospital at 10pm. My water bag broke at 11pm and since I told doc I wanted to try natural delivery, they waited for me to dilate. Meanwhile baby already pooped in me and I had high fever as well. Both me and baby were in distress. Baby was not in breech position but she was still high up meaning her head wasn’t engaged yet. Dilation was supposed to be 1cm per hour at least. From 11pm to the next morning almost 10am only then I was fully dilated and was asked to push but I couldn’t feel the urge so eventually after a few pushes they wheeled me in for emergency c-sect. It was already too risky for us as baby had no water inside me from 11pm to almost 10am and the doctors still wanted to wait till I was fully dilated I mean come on, one of us could have died or worse, both of us. I think if you feel it’s unsafe, just tell the doc let’s go for emergency c-sect. Don’t need to wait already. When we thought about what happened during my labour, we wondered why weren’t we being sent for emergency c-sect when the water bag had already broke for so many hours? 🤔 Thank God baby was safely delivery at a whopping 3.7kg but I developed post-delivery complication, pre-eclampsia.
Read moreIf baby has already pooped inside, doctor sld asap take the baby out as meconium can cause breathing problem.
Hi Jeremy Has labour begun and has an antibiotic been administered?