Share your natural birth experience!

FTM. Thinking of going for natural birth, but honestly terrified 😅

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Consider using epi-no manage to have natural birth without tear! Recovery was totally painless and was able to sit cross legged on bed the next day

12mo trước

I was nervous too. But dont worry mummy when the time comes you will push fear aside because you will be too focused on ensuring the baby comes out well and healthy! I am super happy i opted for epidural - best decision ever. Epidural doesnt mean it’s because you are ‘weak’. A “painless” delivery made motherhood feels enjoyable as I get to enjoy the delivery process and focus giving my baby the best care right after delivery. I cant feel the pain during stitching too, as felt quite numb from epidural. The hospital gave super strong painkillers after that which made the healing process tolerable. To be honest I did enjoy my delivery process!

I'm scared of the labour pain too... Week 30 now. I was told csect was way painful than natural delivery

you and me sista 😄may our labour process be a smooth one. ill pray for you 🫂

12mo trước


me too.. super super scared but more excited to see my bb. we can do this!!!

12mo trước


I’m scared too…. 🥹