Expensive breastpump for FTM
As a FTM, is it necessary to invest in an expensive breastpump like medela and spectra with tubings? Can we just buy the affordable ones and wearable cups ones ? #FTM

It really depends. My hubby bought for me Philips not knowing the suction isn't great. It gave me so much anxiety not being able to produce much for my baby till I found Spectra which cld get me to yield much more. As an undersupply mom, the type of pump really makes q lot of difference. I tried a wearable pump and it also doesn't work for me as my boobs are just too big for those so it couldn't hold on as well as a normal flange. A lot of trial and error but if course there are mommies who had it easier. I have a friend who cld yield as much with any kind of pumps. Even manual ones work for her. You won't know till u start producing milk unfortunately.
Read moreThe advice from my lactation therapist is that if you plan to pump, it is good to invest in a hospital grade pump, so that it is powerful enough to clear your boobs. Or else it will likely to cause clogging in a long run. Wearable/portable pumps can be used at night/going out, for 1-2 times a day. At the end of the day, you still need to use the hospital grade pump to clear it. I have a hand-me-down Spectra S1 from my friend and bought Imani i2 plus.
Read moreNah. I got a second hand spectra motor at $50 and a wearable pump as well. Both served me well. Just that my cause of clogged ducts is often caused by wearable pumps as it’s pressing hard against the milk ducts/glands, which increases the risk of mastitis. My spectra yielded well and slightly more than the wearables.
Read moremany BF mummies claim of better yield with those more expensive hospital grade pumps. but actually, the lactation consultants i've listened to at pregnancy seminar and talks do not really advocate pumping. if you can even try hand expression. apparently if done well, the yield is even higher than using any pumps.
Read moreHello Mummy! If ure intending to BF and pump for good, go for spectra. Good to invest a good one, coz u will nid to pump every 3 hours if ure not breastfeeding. I have tenosynovitis on both hands, hence have to forgo latching 🥲 as baby grows heavier.
I now own 3 breast pump Imani 2plus, a cheap mama choices one and another random brand. Imani does give better yield but the cheap mama choice one is also workable. So I guess you pay for what u get. I got the mamachoice as a backup incase of spoilage.
It depends on which will work. I used baby express and it served me well for 18 months. I have both the tube and wearable pumps and the wearable pumps works better for me instead (at least half more).
Buy used pump from carousell. As for the parts, get new ones due to hygiene issue. can save alot this way
I used not so expensive one cause I’m not sure how long will I bf
no need, expensive doesn't mean effective.