MIL MIL....!!!!

So frustrated, keep saying we don't know to to take care of our own child (20mths) recently he just just recovered from a virus. Is that the phelgm went back to his stomach as children at his age don't know how to spilt out which caused him to vomit went they eat or drink. So in the MOTN, he will ask for milk after that he will cough till vomit and mess up the bedsheet. So end up we have to keep changing it quite frequent recently which you will actually know when he is going to vomit...thats part one...just yesterday midnight he actually pooped which both my hub and I is in unaware of it. Till this morning when my hub carried him out from his cot and it stain his bedsheet. After all the change, my hub place my son on our bed for his milk, and not long he cough again and vomit abit on our bed. Settled my son, and my hub went to his mom's room with my son, as we were rushing out to work, so have to pass my son to my MIL. So I guessed my hub told her what going on a moment ago... Pooped ....bedsheet.....milk...vomit...blah blah blah. After that she started saying that we don't know how to be a parents, didn't even know our son has pooped in the MOTN (as he is sleeping so soundly as past few day he keep waking up.) Should wake up and check his diaper... She tried to put him to sleep but he refused, so she let him watched television which is still 7 plus in the morning. Till I told my hub is this what you want (as he want to limit his screen time) after that he told his mom not to let our child watch to much. There she goes again...(refering to my hub)she said :"tv last you in preschool also keep watching tv. Said us putting our son in sch is wrong, he didn even socialize, everytime I went to fetch him, saw his teacher bring him from a corner sitting down there playing alone, in the morning the teacher just put him alone to play himself...don't let him watch then you teach him is it? Let him watch he can learn new things...." Feel to irritating, so frustrated, so angry. As if our parenting styles have to follow her...

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