6 Replies

Hi sometimes babies do not like certain food initially but they may change their taste later on so do keep trying a variety of fishes. What types have you given her? You steam the fish separately from the porridge right?Can try cod fish, salmon, threadfin. My gal loves fish except for threadfin. My mom just steams it on its own without adding anything though. It taste so fresh that I always eat her leftover. Alternatively can try to add some ikan bilis powder into her porridge. As fish is a good source of proteins you may want to give other forms of proteins like chicken or pork.

Hi maybe you try other fish. My gal hates threadfin too because honestly even I think it smells fishy. But she loves her salmon and cod fish though. I have noticed that for fish my gal prefers to eat it hot, so I will always make sure I try to feed her as much fish as possible before it gets cold and before she gets too full from the porridge itself

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don't give up, it doesn't take them just a few tries. try other mild tasting fish, what about fish nuggets, fish mashed with carrots and potatoes.

Try making fish with other dishes. Fried fish with pasta, or fish fingers are a good way to introduce as well.

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maybe you can share what are the types of fishes you have tried?

sesame oil

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