Low Red Blood Cell

#firsttimemom Hi all, i have a low red blood cell result during pregnancy. And the report came in but didnt understand the remarks. I'm scared of having thalessimia as its my first time pregnancy. Can anyone help me explain or have similar remarks. Thank u in advance! Remarks: RBCs comprise hypochromic microcytes with few elliptocytes, few fragmented cells and occasional target cells. No abnormal WBCs seen.

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Hi there, Better you check the remarks with you gyane, as he / she able to explain better. However , just want to share with you, That i have thalassemia minor, its run on my family, Iam 6month preg and FTM. My gynae asked me to take iron, folid acid, aspirin and calcium tabs 500mg (my other gynae friend advised me to take 1500mg, but i follow my gyane). On last test screening my baby is healthy but i have uterine notching which doctor said not to be worried too much, but i need to balance it with eat more iron foods aside from iron supplement such as broccolli. Hope this will give a piece of mind not worry too much if having thalassemia 😊.

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1mo trước

Folid acid - long before i got pregnant Aspirin - week 6th (when my baby already have heartbeat) Iron & calcium - week 12th For iron i take 1tab on alternate day, as in recent blood test result my iron is more than enough in my body, but my HB is 9.8. Most importany for thalasemia patient, doctor monitoring the mommy HB. And the blood flow to the baby. Trust your gynae, if not sure try to consult them again.

Just a gentle reminder that anaemia is different from thalassemia. It is rather common for pregnant ladies to be anemic during pregnancy because the volume of blood increases and we need to eat more iron-rich food to make more red blood cells:) However, thalassemia is a genetic condition and can’t be improved just by diet. Usually if one parent is a thalassemia carrier then it is advisable for the other parent to also do a blood test to confirm the risk of baby having thalassemia.

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Low red blood cell is very very diff from thalassemia! And low rbc is very very common in pregnant ladies including me but during review gynae said its normal nothing to worry about. Oh and anw i had healthy pregnancy and now baby is a healthy 10 months old. For lab test results always best to wait for doctors review cause the way we read and interpret is always diff from them.

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Hello! I have low red blood count result (way lower than the range) during my pregnancy too. I was already low in red blood count before pregnancy. I delivered a healthy baby two months ago 😊 Don’t worry if your gynae did not flag out anything. It means you are fine! It’s normal to have low iron during pregnancy. That’s why we need to take iron supplements daily.

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don’t worry, it’s common to have anaemia during pregnancy as the baby take our iron supply. Usually the Dr supplement you with iron tablets :) just need to take it will do. As for your concern of thalassemia, can check with your gynae

Hi mummy. I'm a thalassemia mummy. My mum has it but my father doesn't. Same goes to my baby daddy. He doesn't and i do. It doesn't affect me in anyway. My baby doesn't have it. She's now very healthy and growing well.

Hi, would suggest not seeking medical advice from this forum as most are not medical professionals. For peace of mind, just ask your gynae during your next visit.

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best to check with ur gynae 🙏💕