Leaking milk or colostrum

First time seeing my nipples leak 😱 with colostrum! I’m at 23 weeks. Read about it and they say it’s normal and should start collecting it? Huaaa I got a shock of my life for one second. Will it leak again??

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Hi. Yes. Mine leak a few times throughout my pregnancy. Get those 3 ml syringes and collect it okay. Put it in freezer

5y trước

Thank u mami!! ♥️♥️♥️

omg i got the tiny drop of leak too. but it is only week 23, need to start collect?? still far away from duedate, no?? i got shock too!

Influencer của TAP

colostrum I had it too at that period I didn't collect it maybe if you want can start at 36 weeks onwards

If you collected at 23 weeks. you are saying it’s ok to keep the milk for 3 months before baby comes out?

Influencer của TAP

yes it will. and I happen to leak very early and after give birth I became over supply mum

i experienced the same, in my situation i got feverish when some fluid came out.

I think mi too... my bra n nipple has some whitish residues...

It’s normal don’t worry I started leaking at 12 weeks


Influencer của TAP

yes normal