Collecting colostrum at 32 to 33 weeks pregnant

Anyone tried collecting colostrum earlier before baby is born? I read it online but uncertain if i should start doing it now. Can i stop once i start doing so? Any advice from fellow mommies pls? #firsttimemom

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I attended a prenatal class and they advised to only really start after week 36. First time mum here so I'm also not too sure. There's a breastfeeding couples workshop coming up on 16 Dec next month, conducted by a lactation consultant Tender Loving Milk. I signed up for me and my hubby already. Sharing here if you are interested!

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I went for labour class. Have to wait till week 37 because our breast is linked to uterus. It will trigger early contraction.

I don’t encourage collecting colostrum that early as you don’t want to trigger preterm delivery

I would wait till week 37 as it can trigger labour.

thanks mummies for your advice 🙏