
Its my first time pregnant, Gonna ask a lot of question here as I'm not sure. Ok my mom told me i can only eat seafood after 3 month. But Im craving really bad for crabs now. But my cousin told me eat whatever i want as long its not pineapple ?‍♀️

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Ensure its fully cook and in moderate.

Can,all seafood i eat especially crab

Thành viên VIP

Just eat in moderation (:

Thành viên VIP

Can but just moderately.

Eat in moderation

In moderation

Thành viên VIP

Seafood is fine to eat. Just don't eat raw food and fishes that are high on the food chain as they may have more mercury buildup

Super Mom

If you crave then eat a bit. But make sure it’s clean and well cooked. All food can eat in moderation.