light sleeper 10month old and vomitting

Hi, we are first time parents and hope the community can help. My soon to be 10 month girl seem to be vomiting (not spitting milk) easily whenever she takes milk. It's been over month since she has been taking solids. Her sleeping habits are "chaotic" too recently.. Usually We will put her to bed by 7+pm since she gets really tired after a full feed.. Usually will wake up between 2-3am for milk and 5am-6am for milk. Over the last 1 week, by 10-11pm she will be up crawling, seating up and trying to stand. Making alot of noise followed by crying. This will go on for the next 2-3 hrs. We have tried feeding her milk too. And almost every 1-2hrs she will wake up and repeat the same activities. We are totally exhausted and don't know what is happening to her.

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Not sure if it is the new skill phase. My baby flips in his sleep after he acquired this skill - the flip will disrupt his sleep

3y trước

Hmm it could be. But it's really disruptive.