5 Replies

The xray for babies is at a very low setting and the radiation is very very minute.. there are many infants who have gone through xray to check for lung infection because of coughing for weeks after starting infant care. Trust in your gut for matters like these, and since it’s already done, don’t focus on it anymore. Cheer up mummy!

Whats done already done, we cannot turn back the time... you are feeling so much guilt because you want to give the best to your baby. Focus on taking care baby now moving forward, dont think so much about what happened instead of focusing on the "present tense" .... cheer up and jiayou!

Actually if he is drinking normally then it's not necessary to go a&e in the first place. But anyway since all has been done and it's confirmed that he's ok, then you don't have to keep feeling guilty about it since the xray radiation is very very low for babies

Mom guilt. Dont let it stir in your mind too much. You did what any mommy will do to go A&E and trust the drs there.


u wanted only the best for ur bb... cheer up... dont look back... look forward...

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