Worried about breastfeeding
First time mummy here. Worried about breastfeeding. How do you ensure you will have colostrum/milk for your baby when they are born?
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mind set kena positif selalu.. set dalam minda nak susu kan anak.. And masa pregnant pasti Kan makan makanan berkhasiat.. ikut cadangan KKM suku suku separuh.. semoga berjaya sis :)
The more the baby suck, the more the milk will produce but if youre worried you can consume drink for latching
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Did u get to bf? Forgot to ask.
Hi new mommy! Congratulations first of all... here's a quick read that might help you: https://my.theasianparent.com/benefits-colostrum-babies/web-view?utm_source=search&utm_medium=app
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